Since I had washed my hair at home I asked to skip the Wash and Shampoo. My entire Cut lasted 15 Minutes. When I asked what the Full Charge is Ordinarily for the services I received, I was told $ 42.00 Dollars - Really?
Had I received an Incredible Haircut form a Person with Awards or Certifications out the wazoo I would also have asked questions. However the back of my head was just cut terribly. I've NEVER been anywhere where the Back of your head is not shown to you before you leave the seat.
My wife immediately caught this when I got home and asked if they used a Lawn Mover.
So overall my Impression is, a Clean nicely appointed Salon that is Pompous and Overpriced never matching the value in their asked Price/Service levels.
As for the poor haircut I received I must not be the only one - or the place would not be empty with the few employees having anything to do.