My Girlfriend is a huge fan and was shocked I'd never heard of this guy; well sorry growing up on the east coast I had other comedic influences. Of course after seeing him and his list of credits I did recognize the guy;
His show has the typical Vegas stereotypes and is entertaining; He was late; didn't make any apologies but promptly started the show; as far as it being magical I can't recommend it for blowing my mind as in how did he do that? But, for a laugh and a chuckle yes he is top notch;
His sidekicks are just as funny but by the end of the show the blonde(his girlfriend I believe) is over the top obnoxious and I cringed when I saw her running down the aisle toward the stage as I didn't want to have her assault my ears with her cackle;
It was a good show just don't expect to be blown away by magic; it's a comedy act more than anything else and you will leave with a smile.