I purchased a Groupon for a hair color only for $15. The fine print on the Groupon says that it includes 3 oz of color. I have short fine hair. It is about 1 inch past my ear lobe. The hair dresser (student) went back twice because she said she did not have enough color. I did not realize this was costing me $8 a pop. I was not told this till I went to check out. I looked on the internet to see how much hair color would be needed for hair coloring. This is what I read: The amount of color used depends on hair length and density (number of hairs per square inch). Shoulder-length hair that is not overly thick will need approximately 8 ounces of color to saturate the hair. Again, I have short, fine hair. I feel like this is a big scam.
My appointment was at 12:15, I did not get out of there till 2:50. It takes me one hour from start to finish to do it myself. Think twice before purchasing a Groupon for Paul Mitchell The School.