Good Chinese Massage. ---watch your jewelry and your expectation of what you think a proper tip is.
I came in on the spur of the moment. I was shown a brochure that was very professional. The prices were a little high for me. The price was $96.00 for an hour. That is more than I usually pay.
I decided to stay and was lead to a private massage room near the back. We walked through a large dark room of 8 or 10 beds with massages in progress.
My message therapist was amazing and very good.
She tried very hard to get my silver bracelet off but I couldn't get it off. It is not usually needed to remove it on other sessions.
I have excellent Chinese massage places I frequent in California and here in Arizona and the prices are $45-$65 for 1 hour + tip.
When i went to pay i was shown a sign and 'told' 3 times to pay more tip. I was told 3 times! I was a bit shocked to be told and 3 times.
I paid a $10 cash tip and she insisted I pay at least $20. I paid the $10 tip and the service price of $96.00.
Sad to say i will not be returning because of this check-out experience.