This restaurant is located inside of the new Fairmont Hotel, and has a nice upscale flair. Needless to say, the prices are a bit steep here, but the food seems to measure up.
I got the buttermilk pancakes one time and the brunch buffet the other time. The buttermilk pancakes were very fluffy and delicious, however you only get four pancakes and maple syrup. I'd rather have them cut down on the number of pancakes and give me some fruits on the side. As for the buffet -- there were a few choices, but nothing that was super special or different. Think of a fancy American-style breakfast buffet with better ingredients.
The mister got the bagel with lox and it was loaded with smoked salmon though -- he could only finish half of it. I was so jealous and wish I could get off my vegetarian diet sooner so I could munch on the extra smoked salmon!
In other words, if you like meat and fish, the food would be great and the price wouldn't seem too bad, but if you happen to be vegetarian, you might have a tougher time justifying the cost (versus going to Pamela's).