I accidentally purchased incorrect day when booking on Expedia. They refused to assist me in recouping my funds.
I couldn't change my reservation even though I called them in less than 1 minute after my reservation. I explained I was happy with the hotel and wanted to stay there, but I clicked the wrong day. After speaking with several people at Expedia, I received the same answer. "Sorry, we can't do anything to help".
I paid $134 to Expedia for absolutely nothing and they refused to offer any assistance or customer service.
I was a long time loyal user who spent thousands a year on hotels with Expedia and this is how I was treated. One mistake and any "savings" you may have received are out the window.
Plus, when booking through Expedia, you have no leverage with the hotel/airline/car company. They will tell you to speak with Expedia, which trust me, is not a fun experience!
Please be careful booking through Expedia and don't expect any customer service if you make a mistake!!