I have been a customer of the Triangle for decades. If you're a Yelper who craves trendy chic establishments, you need to look in Shadyside for places that just opened 6 months ago (and will be closed in 6 more) and skip the Triangle. It's practically frozen in time from 1970 other than the flat screen TVs. Oh, and they don't let hardcore drinkers lay their head down on the bar for a quick nap any more either.
Having grown up in the same area, as a kid I just assumed every neighborhood had a place like this where you could get a massive hoagie freshly made and done right every time on fresh bread at a great price. Alas, it is not so. It turns out the Triangle is a one-of-a-kind with respect to the wonderful, awe-inspiring Battleship.
I don't know why anyone buys a sandwich ring from a supermarket when for half the cost you can have a better quality sandwich that's even bigger.
Even my wife, who is such a non-foodie she never cares where we go to eat or what we eat, is jazzed if I offer to grab a Battleship before I head home from work. And that trip adds 15 miles to my commute home so it's not a visit of convenience.
If you love a great hoagie, you have to try these. I hope they never change. I'm not eating there for atmosphere.