Went in on Christmas eve last year with two girl friends of mine. They knew exactly what they wanted so we went straight to the shoe section without wandering around.
It was empty. A very tall sales associate walked to us in no time and greeted us warmly. (Something you would normally see everywhere except at Opening Ceremony L.A) He sensed the great interest my friends had in the shoes and started talking:" We were really busy today, a lot of people came in. We probably sold 500 pairs now." I thought about that for 5 seconds and turned to one of my friends and asked her:"Is that true?" She said yes. Well, you shouldn't trust any girls who's about to burn their money, so I did the math myself. Lets see: if they opened for 12 hours, that's about 50 pairs per hour, around one per minute. Ha, I just caught you lying. (my friends spent 40 minutes in there's a bought two pairs.)
Later on, he started flattering customers with words like "oh this is made for you." I didn't know sales people are still saying this..