After the flabby winter months, I thought I would check out one of the boot camps offered in the city in attempt to shed a few lbs. Booty Camp was being offered in Trinity Bellwoods Park which is super close to home. Classes were Monday and Wednesday from 6:45 - 7:45pm. Margaret, the instructor is super nice and is also a personal trainer. The energy of the class is fantastic and Margaret steps it up a notch with motivating music. The class is for women only which makes it less intimidating. The women in the class were all super nice and range in age from 19-45. The workouts are tough working out outdoors is a fantastic feeling. We were also given a DVD to use at home. I didn't lose more than a pound but it wasn't because of the class. I guess working out AND eating healthy should go hand and hand.
The only downside to this class is the owner of the franchise, SAMMIE. She is the most annoying human being I have ever experienced. She leads the class on the DVD and I have to play it with the sound off. I'm just glad she doesn't instruct the class at Trinity Bellwoods.