I had Progressive Ins for 5 years, my insurance started at about 65 per month and ended at above 125 per month. I did have two accidents one was a no fault, one was at fault but received no citation from the police, because the Police said there was not enough damage requiring a citation.
One rainy night a deer ran into my car. It took about a month to have the repair completed which cost them about 3000 dollars. All of the replacement parts were after market or used. Its been two years now and the car is still not right.
When Progressive first looks at my car they did not document all of the damage. When the repair shop founf the extent of it, at every step the adjuster had to verify the damage and then approve payment . This took many subsequent visits by the adjuster. This also causes the repair service a lot of time and they likly skiped some repairs. Progressive is a nightmare if you have a claim. Ask them the formula they use if you total your car, OMG ask them. I found the same Insurance at a very well know Nation Wide company at a much lower cost. I had one claim with them and it was night and day. I am glad I no longer have to suffer Progressive nightmares.