| - I took the Emotional Intelligence course beginning September 2017. I do believe I grew through the Discovery, Breakthrough, and Leadership courses that were offered. I am LV166. I am an open, committed, trusting woman.
It is my next course, Relationships, that my husband and I had such a horrible experience. My husband and I have a 10+ relationship. We have overcome so many tragedies together. Statistics said our marriage would fail but we are approaching the celebration of 27 years of marriage. We wanted to take this course as a "booster shot" so to speak. We both learned so much about ourselves in the previous courses, what might we discover in this course?
To begin, we had to repeat a very disturbing event that we both had taken in Discovery. We thought we had already put these experiences behind us through our previous courses. I was very upset that I had to relive the prior events and the judgement that came with it and so was my husband. Upon returning home that night, my husband called one of the coaches and asked him if the next day was going to be more of the same or will it improve. My husband explained that we have a great relationship and thought to repeat some of the exercises from the other class was bull----. The coach didn't really say much except that it was our choice if we wanted to return the next day. The next day came and we thought we'd try it one more time.
The trainer, Sylvia, had another thought. She was visibly upset about the lack of openness and participation by everyone the previous night and began asking people probing questions. Questions she waited to hear answers to, questions she dug deeper on, questions that stopped to make people think. My husband and I were approached last. She said, "What about your two? I hear you think this class is bull----." My husband began to reply that he thought parts of it were. As soon as he said that, she put up her hands and said, "You need to go!" No questions. No reflection. No concern.
The classes offered here are not cheap. I'm not asking to be treated differently because of the price paid. I would like to be treated the way the trainers and staff coach all participants-to treat others with compassion, understanding, and acceptance of those that have differing opinions. My husband, nor I, were treated that way.
No one from the center ever followed up with us after we left. No one who manages at the center cared enough to hear our side or for us to understand what happened. As many times as my husband has tried to reach out through phone calls, text messages, and Facebook messages no one has bothered to respond.
This past year between courses taken, deposits paid for those we've "enrolled," and not to mention all the extra expenses for activities and eating that we have to pay for ourselves we have spent approximately $8000. While I believe EQ is important for success, I know there are other centers that provide the same important training with trainers and staff that live what they teach.
If you are reading this!