Talk about fun. I first heard about this through a friend. He went to an event about a month ago and kept raving about it on facebook. When he mentioned that he was going again, I jumped at the chance to check it out for myself.
I bought my ticket online and saved a couple of bucks. In any case, this is cheap entertainment and they're supposedly not-for-profit. It's all in the name of fun so I'm down to support them. I mean, girls just wanna have fun!
I knew nothing about the sport coming in. One of my friend's coworkers tried to explain it to me, but I figured I'd learn better by watching it. They also do a dry run to give new crowd members a quick primer. Honestly, it's a pretty simple sport. There are some nuances that are still confusing, but it doesn't take long to get a feel for the game.
Incidentally, the hometown Notorious VIP team crushed the visiting Inland Empire Derby Divas. It wasn't even close (something like 185-83). How did they score so many points? I don't know. I understand the basics of scoring, but it all happens so fast.
I'm definitely going again.