| - Man, this place is packed with moms, dads, and their UIUC-enrolled kids. I swear, they used this location to film their latest commercial, about a college girl, her parents, and her (freeloading) roommates/friends.
Sometimes you gotta fill a craving, and that means waiting an hour for a table. And all Conan O'Brien/Jim Cramer jokes* aside, it's a pretty damn good place to go for the money. And the chairs have wheels! WEEEEEE!
I swear, the soup/salad/breadsticks have sprinkles of crack and MSG, they're pretty addicting. And I'm pretty sure they use one can of Morton's salt per serving bowl of salad.
Tip: Make sure you ask for more salad and breadsticks as soon as you get your first batch, or the waiter will disappear until your entrees arrive. By then, they know they got you pinned against a psychological wall, because who eats more salad with their entree? Break past that wall of uncomfortability and continue to ask for refills until the check arrives. Heck, ask for it after the check arrives. It's like a glass of water - it should always be full.
FYI, the sangria is f-ing expensive. BEWARE!
*If you haven't seen Conan's impression of an Italian grandfather going to Olive Garden or the Conan/Cramer interview about Olive Garden, do so immediately.