I've been in the brewing industry for a long time. Back when all these new "beer snobs" were drinking Natty Light in their college dorm. This place is one of the top 3 breweries I have been to in the US, hands down. We came on a Saturday and it was brewers choice day. All these random beers they put on tap. Mellon sour, Berliner Weisse and lambic to name a few. One was better than the next. This place main focus is Belgian styles and its refreshing. Save the piney, chewey IPAs for every other chump and drink some inventive, ORIGINAL beers. Surprised they have been open for 5 years and I have not been there yet. I gotta step up my game. We got there 10 minutes after they opened and it was already busy. Plenty of friendly servers and bartenders. All eager to explain the beers and chat ya up. No food but we brought in wings from Big Shot Bobs and they didn't even bat an eye. Super cool peoples. Glad to see they are not taking the elitist, douchebag attitude that most new brewery staff have taken on. I would describe the "vibe" and "space" but I'll leave that for the others. Yet another reason I will be back to Pittsburgh soon...