| - ok, so there are two aspects that i have to take into account here:
1) as a store, this just isn't "MEC" as i've known it. it's pretty much just clothing, and quite frankly that's the one thing that I think MEC really doesn't excel at. So i would not recommend this store for somebody who was just going for a browse of what MEC has to offer.
2) that being said, i love that this store now exists, because i can order anything off the website free for pick-up at the store. so in the past, when i needed bike lights, or even just a bike tube, i'd either need to pay inflated prices at boutique stores in the city, or trek all the way out to the MEC in the boonies.
so in all, i'm happy with this place, but only because i can mail any item I want off the website for pick-up, for free.