Poor customer service!
I chatted with an online sales rep once and received a quote for basic internet and 10 cable channels for $39.99/month. I was told cable and modem would be free of charge. I then got disconnected from the chat before I could finalize the sale. I chatted again and ended up with someone named Nila. They informed me that there was no such cable/internet deal for $39.99/month and instead it was $49.99/month and we had to pay $10/month extra for the modem (which we wouldn't even own, it would be on lend).
After I came to terms with the price difference, I asked about instillation. My parents received free instillation when they purchased Comcast, and I expected the same. Nope. That was an additional $39.99/month if we wanted someone to come on site and install. If we wanted to do it ourselves it was $10. I asked what the $10 was for as we were self installing so the fee didn't make sense. They explained it was a fee to cover shipping costs. I asked why I wasn't able to just pick up our equipment at the office and avoid the $10 fee. They then back tracked and said "Oh the fee is not for shipping". They literally just typed to me a minute ago that the $10 was for shipping. They said regardless if we picked it up or it was shipped to us, the $10 fee was unwavering.
Talk about mixed information! I think Comcast needs to make sure their employees are on the same page. Never have I ever been more frustrated. I wish so badly that there was another server provider to go with in my area. Nothing like being underquoted in price and then having all of these additional fees added on.
Comcast stinks!