| - My friend took me to Rosita's for greasy Mexican food, except what I ordered was possibly the leanest dish on the menu. D'oh! Bad ordering on my part. The sad thing was, I actually wasn't trying to be healthy this time. I guess the really greasy cheese and beans covered Mexican food just doesn't appeal to me.
My friend got a combination plate that had chili rellenos, tacos, fried something else, beans, and rice that looked like a heart attack waiting to happen. He had me taste the chili rellenos, which was good, but I don't think I could've eaten a whole plate of that. I got a carne asada beef sautéed with onions, peppers, tomatoes and spices. It was quite bland and indeed very lean. When I ordered it, the server said it was her favorite dish. In hindsight, I never should've taken that as a good sign, cuz she's skinny as a stick and probably doesn't eat half of the time!
Sigh...usually I'm so good about ordering the most delicious item on the menu. This was a pretty big fail. Thankfully I had a few more days in Arizona and was able to redeem myself and get some good, authentic Mexican tacos.