Greatest invention in the world - an automatic car wash, that is automatic. For $5.00. All you do is drive up to a electronic screen, pick the wash you want, and extras (if any). No high pressure sales jobs - just high pressure washing. You have the option of paying by cash or credit card right at the electronic screen.
You drive around the corner - a worker sprays the front of your car with bug cleaner, and off you go through the car wash. Quick, fast, efficient, and no hassles.
In addition, they do have vacuums for free for the interior of the car.
How did it do? Great - I hadn't washed the exterior of the van for a year and the only thing it missed was a couple of embedded bugs on the front. No more having to avoid washing it because of the hassles that go on at a lot of car washes - now even my daughter will take the van for its weekly bath.