I was so excited to move in here because it was a brand new complex with a very nice leasing office. I've been living here 4 months and have had nothing but problems.
Our dishwasher has broken 3 times. 2 of our service requests to fix it were completely ignored and never fulfilled thank god we are friends with a plumber
My roommates toilet over flooded ALL over her bathroom floor onto the carpet
We put in a service request to have our water filter in our fridge changed when we first moved in and it took them two weeks to come
I had a package lost (still haven't found it) and most of the front office was completely unhelpful and didn't care, which is how they always are
They never answer the phones
Our air is broken now after they came into "fix" the thermostats and left a hole in our wall and patched it up awfully
My bathtub is leaking and molding the wood around it
There is a gap between our front door and the floor where numerous bugs come in. There is a SERIOUS bug problem in all the apartments.
there is ONE person in the front office who is helpful, Michelle. Everyone else could care less