I buzz my head about once every week. My clippers died. You can see my problem.
I was told by numerous friends of my girlfriend that Sally's was the place to go to buy better equipement... or so they put it, "where the pro's go"... ok
Walk in, they have like 10 different clippers that to me look the same sans some flashy packaging. I asked the lady standing there what the difference in them was. I swear to you she turns and looks at them and points at them and says "Well this one is good, this one is good too, and this one is better"...
Are you f*cking kidding me? Really??? So I say "what is better about them? like better parts that last longer, better cutting blades, better speed variation or depth settings... like what is better?"
She gave me a confused look and... I'm not joking said "well these ones are really good and this one is good too but not as good"... OMG lady...
She handed me like 4 different boxes/brands - which I'm assuming she wanted me to figure out what was "better" about them.
I looked at a few and nothing was very similar to my last ones so I just looked at pricing... the better ones she was telling me were the more expensive ones.. like $110 bucks or something versus the $75 dollar ones... Fck this...
I said nicely "thanks for your time but i'll look elsewhere" and I left. I walked 100 feet south to Super Target, found 4 choices all MUCH more affordable and I chose a $25 pair of Wahl clippers that include a 5-year warranty. Basically the same shit that was at Sally's for $75++ And I'm willing to bet if I had any issues I could return / exchange it with no problems.
I know this place is good for hair products and stuff but I'll be damned if I ever go there for clippers or anything ever again or recommend my guy friends that buzz their heads either. Having this lady work the desk is not doing this business ANY good.