I have been going to Premier Laser Spa since they first opened a few years ago. I have had over 13 "treatments" on my back so this review has been a long time coming. I first found this place via groupon. Being a man in my mid 30s who had so much hair on his back that I could have been cast as the Geico caveman getting laser hair removal seemed at the time to be a great investment in myself. The original groupon I purchased was for 6 treatments. I was told upon consultation that I would have 100 PERCENT HAIR REMOVAL with around 8-10 treatments. The "consultant" said that because I have fair skin and dark hair that I am the type that will fair the best with the treatment. This was music to my ears. So after the first 6 I upped it to 10 treatments as I wanted all the hair gone. At this time they started hounding me for a review but I insisted that once the hair was gone my review would be written. The hair became finer and finer as the treatments went on but the laser did not remove it all. Over time MORE hair started to grow out the spots that stopped growing hair. Also, I should note that they kept pushing a "guarantee". The guarantee at that time was that you would have complete hair removal and could come back for up to two years to get "touch ups". At my next session the manager came to me with additional paper work that said there was no guarantee and that is was only for a few more treatments. I refused to sign as this was NOT THE AGREEMENT I SIGNED UP FOR. I came back for a few additional treatments and was finally told that I cant get anymore treatments unless I but another guarantee even though the HAIR WAS STILL THERE. I never even made it to the touch up phase. As a customer of this place I can say that the only guarantee with this place is that you will spend more money. I spent over THREE THOUSAND DOLLARS HERE and have NOTHING TO SHOW. All the hair that originally stopped growing has started growing again and I am slowing going back to square one.
Recently I have noticed that they are really toning down their "Never shave again" slogans. Somebody is probably suing them. Also, the turnover here is crazy. I have had over 8 people give me a session and they all seem to quit after 6 months. At my last session I decided to read the printed out google review book they have on the coffee table. Notice there is NOT ONE REVIEW BY A MAN. Its all women and women who came for only one or two sessions and never let the treatment run it course. I wonder if they will put this review in their book? Probably not. I have one more PAID session for my neck, shoulders, upper arms that I am not going back for because this procedure is just a gimmick that wastes time and money. I don't recommend this place in the slightest!