| - This McDonald's service is all over the place. Either you get someone really nice, or someone who just wants an empty restaurant. For today though, the service was awful. I am not the type to rate restaurants (if you can even call this place a restaurant) but this is an exception. This manager saw me and a friend walk in with bags of groceries and of course, we want to put some stuff down (because it's heavy) before we order food. We did have an open bag of snacks walking in but thats because my friend has diabetes and needs some food or she will faint. The manager approached us as the moment we sat down and immediately told us to leave if we eat the food inside or he'll throw the food away and kick us out. We told him that we just needed to put our groceries down, my friend has diabetes, and that we were going to order as soon as we can. But he said the same thing, left, and continued to eye us. It became too uncomfortable for us to even continue our stay, the embarrassment alone was unbearable because he voiced it from the fountain to our booth (that's around 2m, the people around us definitely heard the ordeal).
Our intention was to sit down, put our things away and order food but after that approach, I don't think I'll go there for a quick snack ever. Unless it's midnight cause I know that manager's cool an the food's good. As for the manager that approached us though, he's not cool, I don't understand how he worked his way up to that position with those set of skills.