Who would have thought if I wanted a good fish fry I would have to make the trip back to the area I formally lived in? Now let's get down to what I ordered I got the 3 piece catfish with 4 shrimp and greens as my side on top of that I ordered a hot link sandwich because my cholesterol isn't as high as it should be says the doc now the greens this was my first time ever having greens and I have been missing out flavorful and tender I lapped that shit up the shrimp was excellent good sized the catfish is very good good seasoning and it bites back (crunch) if your brave or fat go for the 3 piece meal. Now on to the hot link sammich for once I had a hot link sandwich that has heat to it clearly cooked not reheated. All and all this place is a gem I may have been late coming here but I'm glad I made it.