This spot dank at lunch. Rec coming at 1145 or right after 1.
That 4 for 4 dolla combo with the double stack is the bombdotcomyo.
Shiiiiit that double stack is almost the perfect cheep burgerberg. Its got the must have essentials -ketchup mustard pickle onion. Like a proper backyard bbq burgeyburg at nana's house less the stupid pit bulls trying to get all up on you trying to snatch yo shit. They named Max, Jojo and and Drake (she likes that sorry dude I cant tell her nothin) but I call them Dickhead #1 2 and 3.
Anyways that double stack by itself is 2.19 so with a drink 4 nuggets and some fries this is a super deal brah cuz 4.33 w tax.
Then you can even order your nuggets spicy? Daaaaammmm son! Get that honey mustard and dont play.
Why do diet coke taste so nasty on the reg but taste so good with meats and cheese. Mystery of life.
For $4.33 im like 'Hello, maam. Thank you for everything Mrs. Wendy. 5 stars for you!'