I loved Revolution before it was taken over by Light Group. Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against Light Group but the vibe changed after they took Revolution lounge over, which I'm sure was in the interest of keeping the place profitable.
It's a fun spot to take out of town friends if they're not down to shell out the cash to get into a club (and you're not in the mood to wait in line or track down a long lost contact so you can bypass the line). I don't know what they charge nowadays but I do know that they were trying to charge local ladies the last time I went and call me spoiled, but that's a no-no. And my spoiled brat policy is "I live here and I've been living here." Irrational? Possibly. But when I can get in somewhere else for free I'm not going to pay to get into a lounge and then pay again for drinks, which I thought were a little overpriced for a lounge. They do make a mean cosmopolitan though and that was almost worth the $14 paid for it (two will do you in).
The scene inside is pretty awesome-everything is glow in the dark and psychedelic and the dancers don't have the usual bored, glazed over look that I've become accustomed to seeing at nightclubs. If you're lucky enough to get near a table-those actually used to be free and made Revolution a little less stressful to go to-you'll see that they have touch screen technology and you can draw and create things on them.
Overall, Revolution is just average-nothing to go out of your way for, but if you're deciding between TI and the Mirage, this place is the better choice.