| - I've got to agree with most of the reviews I've read on this place - it ain't half bad. If you're looking for traditional diner comfort food, cooked on a flat top, and/or deep fried... this is how it's done. It's not healthy, it's not the best you've ever had, but it's cheap, it's fast, it tastes pretty damn good and does the trick.
For being a classic diner with a classic name like Uncle Joes, complete with wood fixtures and booths, it does all good. The one-man asian restauranteur behind the counter who sets your table, takes your order, cooks the food and cleans up, I give full points to. Nothing was bad, it wasn't mind blowing good... but it wasn't half bad at all. Seriously.
I think I'm actually surprised with how good East can do Western style food, when west botches eastern cuisine left and right (not that Western food is all that hard... burgers, fries, fish & chips, etc, etc). But again... not half bad at all!
I had The Joes Burger which came with fries and was topped with cheese, bacon and mushrooms (and the regular toppings). The bacon was a touch over done for my taste but other than that.... not bad at all! I don't usually down a lot of my fries but they were crispy on the outside and soft on the inside! And for $9 tax IN, I can't complain.
If you're on Markham Main and feeling like some comfort food, why not pop into this local diner. It did the trick for me and... It's not half bad!
Eatcrest (surprised) and Out!