I loved this place when I first discovered it by chance, just strolling through the shopping center not looking for anything in particular. Their in-store displays and bright, stylish clothing caught my eye and drew me in.
Stitched has very nice clothes, well-tailored and with great style, if a bit overpriced ($240 per shirt!). Their sales staff is very smooth (they know how to sell!), but also very helpful. Turned out I liked their shirts so much that I bought three and had two shipped to me in California.
Fast forward to a few days later when a package arrives on my doorstep. I could hardly wait to open it, but as soon as I did I was completely disappointed. Turns out the store shipped me a pair of shoes meant for a different customer, and my shirts were nowhere to be seen.
We'll see how they try to fix this mistake, but with the prices they charge and the effort they attempt to make at providing high-end service, one would hope they could at least slap the right label on a box.