If I could only give a negative amount I WOULD! A few weekends ago, I went in to sell some old jewelry. I had a pair of diamond earrings a ring made of 3 kinds of gold and a necklace. One register already had a customer and no one was at the other one. Just after I got there 3 or 4 others came in and got behind me and the one clerk called for another. She came from the back. and took my jewelry and she looked at them then gave me a once over in a "I'm totally judging you " way. Now granted I was wearing just a tank top and some basketball shorts but I didn't look like some hoodlum. And it's the weekend. At any rate, she walked over to where they test everything was there for half a second and came back and said everything stuck to the magnet. I told her that she must be mistaken, but she insisted. When I got home I grabbed a REALLY powerful magnet Sure enough nothing happened.
I should probably thank her because i decided to keep the ring and the other 2 I took somewhere else and got 150 bucks. YOUR LOSS!