This cute little smoothie shop is truly like an oasis in a desert. It's right down the street from my house and across from my work and one day my husband and I just decided to give it a whirl. We were NOT disappointed! They have a massive menu and a huge selection that is sure to satisfy any fruit lovers taste buds. They currently have a flavor called the 'Avocalada' that is a limited time flavor but HOLY MOLY it's utterly delicious! My husband and I both ordered smoothies and wraps and sat in to enjoy our decadent lunch together. The employees were very nice to us and even gave us extra chips! How cool is that?! I highly recommend this place.
To the people complaining about the wait...everything here is handmade and the portions are generous. It does get busy and have it's rushes at certain times of the day so if you don't have time to wait, I'd recommend waiting until after work. Like any place, the service you receive is (generally) a reflection of your own attitude. Give this place a try if you're in the area, you will not regret it!