I can get a beer anywhere.
99% of the places I can get a beer, I can get the same freaking beer cheaper than the Tavern On Mill. 99% of the places I can get a beer, I can park within a 100ft for free. So it chaps my hide that, to spend money at their OFF Mill location, where I have to park in a lot a block away, that The Tavern On Mill doesn't validate parking tickets after me and friends have been there for two hours
I like their little misted back patio, but I've been here a handful of times, and have been less than impressed. I've never ever actually gone here of my own volition. The only reason I got sucked back in again was because my bud said happy hour started at noon. Sadly, at 3pm, we both learned the hard way that happy hour didn't start until 5pm.
5pm! Happy Hour doesn't start until 5pm? Seriously? Must be some F'd up Tavern Off Mill Avenue space time continuum . . .