Lots of haters, yes. You are probably one too. I docked a star off because the price was high but once you are over that this burger is delicious. Five star delicious no doubt. Don't let the haters ruin it for you and just eat it. This specific location in the New York New York Hotel was the first to hit the west coast, but since then a few more popped up in California. There's no more exclusivity. If there's a line, then come back tomorrow. We don't need to hear nuttin about "not worth the wait."
-=-Shack Stack (double if you can handle it)-=- The secret here is the mushroom patty. The mushroom patty makes the world go round. Without it, you would think it was a mediocre burger that doesn't compare to In n Out. But guess what, add that mushroom patty and you'll do an about face. It's crispy and gooey cheesy. In n Out don't have that so you can't compare. Everyone wins. I don't like anything else here. Sure get fries if you need it, but not everyone can do that $20 lunch everyday.