Such a pick me up for my ENTIRE fam. My kids and I have been going here for the last few years mostly as a treat that has become almost an addiction. What I love is that the menu switches up, the baristas are always helpful in mixology and suggestions as far as what to add or substitute. My twins who are tweens will try anything from smoothies to cocoa to surprise rebels to a freeze non mocha and we typically go w coconut or almond milk. Thanks Halle who worked her 1st morning shift today. My daughter loved her flapjack frappe and I'm sure we will be back this week probably for a rebel surprise. The only few suggestions I would make overall for the Dutch Bros PV location and Camelback/Central location is a better drive through. The two locations for some reason have issues with entering the drive through, being cut off happens because of the congestion & traffic in the area especially during peak hours. Oh & And- the stickers are fun! I think kids would like to participate in Dutch Bros draw off contests but, that's just a marketing idea I have because my tween twins always want a gift card for Dutch Bros. It's a great incentive/gift card.