| - Dr Campbell was recommended to me by my primary care physician. I was hesitant because he referred me to another Dr prior and I had a terrible experience. My pain/injury was caused from a 5 year abusive relationship. The previous office I went to (and only saw a P.A) didn't listen to the things I went through. He simply stated that women have a hard time letting go of men and my issue isn't physical, it's most likely mental and emotional so I should consider a therapist. My primary Dr apologized profusely and said he promised, Dr Campbell would not treat me that way. The first time I went, Dr Campbell came in, sat down in front of me, looked me in the eye, and seemed genuinely interested in knowing everything. I felt like I should talk fast, not to "waste his time", he gently touched my arm, apologized for the torture I survived and said, "I'm here to help you. We're going to take care of you". I felt this wave of relief... A few visits later, I checked in and they said Dr Alexander will be right with you. I panicked again. I thought, this is it! The other shoe is going to drop! I knew it was too good to be true! This guy will be the bad one! Thank God I was wrong! Dr Alexander came in, and instead of just reading my chart and dismissing me, the patient, as many doctors do, he also sat next to me and asked me to give him an idea of what caused my pain. Anyone who's survived an abusive relationship knows, it's really difficult to tell a complete stranger about your past. You feel as though people are judging you immediately, they probably think I'm a stupid girl, they don't have enough time to hear all of this... You got so used to making up excuses as to "how you broke 4 ribs, have 3 broken teeth and two black eyes from one day" and seeing that pure disbelief in their face because no one believes you tripped over your own feet and all of that happened! Dr Alexander put his hand on my hand and looked in my eyes and said, "oh God! I am SO sorry that happened to you! Thank God you are out of that! You're safe now. We will help you and take care of you."
Both doctors are thorough, they always seem to have the same ideas about things to do or try. I've done several procedures and will continue trying the things they suggest. I've read some reviews here where people say that if you don't do the expensive procedures they suggest, they cut your meds... While I'm extremely grateful for my great insurance, I'm a single mom of teenagers and still trying to get on my feet from leaving everything I owned- to save my life, I can't always afford to do everything they suggest right away, when I'm honest and tell them that, they're very understanding. I haven't felt pressured or threatened to have my meds withheld. It seems as though, due to the opioid crisis, their hands are more tied in some situations. Or maybe they're required to be more selective in their prescriptions, but I truly believe they're both committed and dedicated to long term treatment.
I've read the majority of reviews here and in regards to the office staff comments... I go to the Henderson office and in the beginning, I had a couple run arounds with referrals/ paperwork. However, since then, I definitely believe they've worked out the kinks. I also feel like (from my perspective and without having been told anything), it seems as though, Dr Campbell employees many young people that are eager to learn, that are in school and/or training. I love that! Not many places are willing to hire young kids that are passionate about a field, but every position requires experience, but no one will hire you to get experience! He's mentoring young people. They're all very kind and helpful. They want to do a good job. You can teach good hearted people a skill, you can't force knowledgeable people to care!
When you're in pain, you're less patient and tolerant, I am for sure! But you have to be your own advocate. Have your questions ready, email them if you need to, call back and tell them that if you don't receive a call back, you'll come to the office and wait to speak to the correct person. Give them the opportunity to make it right, these doctors are truly worth it!