| - Short Version:
We went to every other Volkswagen dealer in the valley before coming here. Then we met a transparent salesman named David Bonanno. This guy bent over backwards for us, during the negotiations and after. We got the price we wanted on a car we love and received impeccable service from start to finish.
Long Version:
We spent about one month visiting all of the Volkswagen dealerships in the valley. Each left a sour taste in the mouth. Opaque tactics from the veterans, rehearsed sales tricks from the new guys, and from the unhinged ones, desperation and pushiness coupled with deaf ears.
After all of this, our last stop was Volkswagen North Scottsdale. We met Hanna first and went for a test drive. At the time, he was new to the business, but he knew the product better than any salesman we had previously encountered.
When it came time to talk numbers, Hanna connected us with David Bonanno. David was transparent with us right from the start. He retrieved the car's invoice when we asked and put every variable on paper by default. Since we weren't ready to pull the trigger, we left after day one of negotiations. Naturally, the car we wanted sold hours after our departure, but David managed to find another in Arizona with the exact same trim level, exterior and interior. We returned the next week to continue negotiations, and ultimately, David met us at the price we wanted.
Though the wheeling and dealing was done, David didn't stop working for us. We had to send documents back to my home state before the car was ours, a back and forth process that would take about one week. But because David didn't think we should have to wait any longer to drive the car, he arranged for us to take it home with dealer plates. When the arrangement officially expired and the documents still hadn't returned from my home state, we didn't receive any badgering call to bring the car back. Instead, David just informed us when our documents came in and told us to come back when we had the time.
When we came back to swap out the dealer plates for our own, David filled up the tank and washed the car.
In the end, we're satisfied through and through. We're very happy to have done business with David and Volkswagen North Scottsdale.