Last week I had a spa pedicure. The entire staff was great and my feet turned out very smooth. During the callus removal I suddenly felt like a tearing in my heel, the tech noticed I jumped and asked if it burned....I said yes and she put my foot back into the water and massaged that foot and asked if it felt better. What I didn't know was that a circular chunk of skin and heel had been torn off. I have limited use of my legs and when I got home my heel was painful. That's when I found the hole in my heel. Because I have Lupus I had to have my Dr. check the wound, he was very concerned about infection. Questioned me about the spas name and location. (I avoided answering) In the future please TELL a client when something like this happens. I have had to now pay and tip for the Pedi, pay to see my Dr. and change plans that I had made and treat this injury.....