If you are looking for a massage, look elsewhere because John the Masseuse is HORRIBLE.
I paid for a 60 minute massage that lasted about 42 minutes. On top of that, the massage was awful. There was no fluidity in the massage movements. I did not feel he got into my muscles. He pinched my skin 4 times and each time I jumped off the table in pain. You'd think after the first incident he would have got a clue. Not. I felt no kind of therapeutic relief or relaxation during or after I got off the table.
He does not provide a sheet for the client. Instead he has a modest sized bath towel that he drapes over your back. And, when you go to turn over, he holds the towel in the air, to cover HIS eyes, so he doesn't see your breasts exposed. How unprofessional!!!
There are too many good Massage Therapists in this town to waste your time and money here.