My cat and I came to the oncology clinic for a second opinion about a thymoma. I had copies of several bloodtests, x-rays, and the ultrasound guided, fine needle aspirate report. They confirmed everything the first vet had said. Do bloodwork, a CT scan, and then operate and send the tissue out for review. I declined. The vet we saw said there was no reason to do the bloodwork and the CT scan if we were not going to operate.
Three weeks later I called and asked if they would do a phone consult with a clinic in South Carolina and they refused. They refused for two reasons. First because I had not followed their advice as to how to proceed. Second because they did not have a confirmed diagnosis of thymoma and the only way to get that diagnosis is to do bloodwork, a CT scan, operate and send the removed tissue out for review.
The vet I spoke to about this was not the vet I saw at the clinic. She was quite snippy about my request. She didn't see the irony in needing to do the operation to confirm the diagnosis.
I was only asking her to make a 5 minute phone call to help my cat. She didn't need to be so hostile about refusing. The SC clinic offers free phone consults to other vets. I would have paid for the U of I vet to call them. I'm very disappointed in them.