My wife has used Truly Nolen for around 36 years now, and when we called them to get rid of a scorpion nest in the attic, they said they would send an inspector over and the day after that, the exterminator would come over. It was an emergency for us because we had between 2 and 4 electricians working on our house at all times, re-wiring our house with BX cable instead of romex because of roof rats that Truly was supposed to have exterminated long ago. The electricians were afraid of going into the attic after seeing the scorpions. They were Arizona tree bark scorpions and we are beginning to see them inside our house - 2 in the bathroom and one on my pillow which stung me in my finger. There are lots of dead rat carcasses and layers of rat drippings in the attic. Truly Nolen was totally ineffective in our case. My wife liked them because of a former employee, Nancy, who she liked. Things changed a lot after Nancy retired. I got ahold of Desert Sky exterminators and they came immediately and that is what I needed. Truly Nolen trully sucks. When these companies get big, they start telling their clients what to do, and that is when I tell them where to go. Our termite and rat contract expires in October and it will not be renewed.