Our realtor recommended Isaac from IC Home Inspections for our recent home inspection. We were especially interested in the home inspection process and report because we were purchasing an as-is short sale and the seller would not be fixing any issues prior to closing. Since we watch a lot of HGTV and have had the fear of home inspections put in us from Mike Holmes, we decided to give Isaac a call a couple days before the inspection. We wanted to ask Isaac some questions about the inspection process and to make sure it would be okay if we tagged along during the inspection rather than just showing up at the end to go over the report. Much to our relief, Isaac was happy to take the time over the phone to discuss the process with us and to answer all of our questions about his experience and qualifications. He also assured us that we would be welcome to attend the inspection and he would even stay late if our questions slowed the inspection down.
On the day of the inspection, Isaac was friendly, thorough, and obviously knew what he was doing. He took the time to show us and explain all of the issues he found as he found them. At the end of the inspection, he sat down with us and our realtor to go over all the pictures he took during the inspection process.
Later that night, we received Isaac's report, which included the same issues he had already gone over with us in a clear and concise manner, with pictures illustrating all of his written observations. His report also included recommendations and required fixes to bring the house up to code.
All in all, our experience was very positive and we would highly recommend Isaac to any potential home-buyers!