The girl working the drive thru pharmacy window at 11am on 07/14/2015, does knot know what she is doing and is not intelligent enough to ask her supervisor. I get a script filled monthly, this place is near my work and I I also I also use the walgreens near my home. Today she tells me that since the address on my script is another walgreens that I cannot get it filled anywhere but the addresses walgreens. WRONG! I CALLED 3 OTHER WALGREENS AND THEY SAID SHE IS WRONG. The dr office only puts the address for their records incase they need to fax it to walgreens they have the infornation. But since I am PHYSICALLY dropping it off it does not matter.
I even showed her that every few months I pick it up from her location and look in the system and you will see every script has another walgreens yet your location has filled. She then goes to give me her best reply which is to shrug her shoulders.
Wow love the help