| - Fool me once, shame on you...fool me twice, shame on me. Based on that philosophy, I should be giving myself only one star for making the assenine decision to return to this location.
Several years ago, a co-worker and I were in a hurry to get several bagels for a breakfast presentation that had been forgotten. In our haste, both of us stressed to the people behind the counter the importance of making sure each bagel was cut before they were put in the tray and we were, subsequently, told by two people that it would be done. When we returned to the office, we discovered that none of them had been cut and we only had a few moments to hand cut two dozen bagels.
This morning, my same co-worker and I stopped off for breakfast on the go. We each ordered a toasted bagel with cream cheese and she ordered a blended coffee drink. She received her blended coffee drink first and threw it away after one drink. Apparently it tasted like "drinking espresso beans and that's all." After the drink came and went, we stood and watched as the woman that had ordered after us received her prepared bagel sandwich. The couple that ordered after her received their breakfast order. And the couple that ordered after them received their bag of half a dozen bagels all sliced. Let me reiterate that we ordered ONLY two toasted bagels with spread. After a fifteen minute wait, our order was brought to us.
There's a location on Rainbow that always manages to get things done while maintaining a decent amount of customer service. I'd rather be late to work then frequent this location ever again.