Yo I don't know about these guys computer skills but all the staff were super knowledgeable geek to geek.. but I went to a Ubuntu release party there..and it was off the hook!
First it was an open bar ..so my many thanks to these great guys for getting me liquored up for free.
Second they were giving away warez of the newest Ubuntu release ..and well that's pretty darn cool.
Third Free prize drawing where the gave away mini net books , computers and of course the usual shwag you may expect.
All and all a great experience.. I uploaded photos of the night. A great time to be had for all you nerds who like to talk about computers/ unix n stuff while gettin yer drink on for free.
They have these things occasionally ..and yes I found out about this event through Yelp.. So check it out next time if you are into all that! I am sure they would love to meet you ...and if you have a computer problem get you back surfing! ..(or whatever you do on a computer when not wasting time on it :)