Dishonest, arrogant & 2 faced.
These are all words i would use to sum up this store as a customer of 2 years. The burnt out looser always talks about dabs and never made the stuff but i digress?. I watched them mark the prices up for some (older college type) and lower it for others ( like there highschool kids that im pretty sure aren't even allowed to buy glass). They sale glass that has micro cracks and while some will lie , there is at least one honest kid there that will always tell the truth. Without him that store would be closed already. The glass they keep there is just the broke, flawed and unwanted from the other shop. I really wish i had the time to highlight some other memorable moments like when the pakastani owner sold a bong to a highschool student at liberty and since he did not say a bowl for smoking was included he accused the highschool student of stealing and began to harass the 15 yr old student with violence, going to the school and getting him kicked out and even going to the kids house.
Im not sure about you guys but some pile of crap like this threatens my kids the same way we have big problems. Just wanted everyone to know and be able to make there own choices but supporting this monster in our nice neighborhood is very bad for business.
Thanks & God bless