Unfortunately, this is one of the most under-managed, understaffed and consumerist ran theatre in the AMC family within the Downtown PHX area. It's poor decision making in part by the corporate heads of state that push ridiculous F/B "packages" onto their employees to sell to the public. When you have small children and the only a la carte drink options are 40oz or 32oz ... there is something grossly wrong with your selling structure and it points to making the most money. I had to haggle with management in order to get a small drink cup to fill with lemonade for my 8 year old. They have separate lines for Premier Members vs. the non-AMC stub members and plan poorly for a large holiday such as Father's Day. No popcorn, no ice, no beverages? Waiting in a separate line for popcorn / pretzels with a minimum wait time of 30minutes... I'm confused. Most companies plan ahead for weekend or holiday rushes. Arizona Center is doing a HUGE disservice to the Downtown Phoenix community by continuing to allow AMC take up space. Bring in a locally ran company such as Harkins Theatre and this all could become better.