Dr. Okoroafor should not be in this profession, she has no bedside manner and makes you feel like it is your fault you have mental issues and that you are making them up. Her only question when you go in is, "Do you have any questions for me? " wright's the script and you leave. If you question her about anything she is instantly combative and tries to argue, you learn very quickly not to say anything. I have been on the same meds and dose almost 20 years, brought in all my paperwork when I moved here from previous doctors and she cuts my medication to less that have of my average dose. Completely disregards that I am about to lose my job to error's due to my lack of medication. I told her about this and she told me to slow down and focus more at work ( what my medication does) and bring in a note from my boss saying I was making errors. I have never had so much anxiety in my life about seeing a person until I met her. I don't know what happened to make her this way but it must have been bad as she is a very angry person. The rest of the staff is absolutely wonderful and that is why I stay