$10/month? Yep, it's for real!
I love the "Judgment Free Zone" attitude and the LUNK alarm (never actually witnessed it going off but oh I'm sure that would be a riot).
Large gym with at least 20 ellipticals, 20 treadmills, 20 bikes. Weight floor with hand weights and dumbbells of every size, along with weight machines. There is an upper level that has open floor for use of exercise balls or other exercises, and then there is the 30 minute circuit workout with stations for a great full-body workout.
LOVE THIS GYM and recommend to everyone--I can always get on the machine I want to without having to wait, and there are SO MANY options. It's clean (and SMELLS clean, which is a HUGE plus for a gym), and the machines are in excellent working order. There are flat screens EVERYWHERE and you can hook your headphones up to the machine you're using and listen to the channel of your choice.
I have never felt uncomfortable in this gym like I have at others--there are LOTS of females (it's a great gym for the ladies!), and the staff is very friendly. No body builders or other hard-core workout junkies, this gym is definitely designed for the average person who just wants to exercise and enjoy themselves while they are at it!