As far as whole food is concerned.... psychology they would call this, the approach avoidance conflict. There are so many good things about this Whole Foods, yet the bad are starting to gain in number. How is it that this store in Madison happens to not have many organic fruits, A LOT of the time now? And other stores do? Why have they not moved to a larger location, when obviously they need more room for parking, way more room in the isles and more organic fruits. Why don't they build one on the east side so people don't have to go as far and crowd up the west side store? And parking on certain days, forget it! We are coming from Lake Mills to shop there. After living in Ca and going to the WF there, this store seems to be the smallest and the least stocked with items and internal restaurants...because of its size!!! Who owns this place and why don't they move and expand???? I am agreeing with another writer here, it may be time to check out Woodmans, and I am indeed sad to have to say this.
Whole Food in Madison, are you listening to your customers?????