Loved Loved Loved it.....
Free parking
Free beer, soda, water and wine but don't forget to leave a generous tip!!
Inclusive environment
Casual and comfortable
David Jr (son) and Vito (nephew) are hardworking and enjoyable
Fantastic show!!!!!
Charge $1 for refreshments, that way with a $1 tip you will break even. Free drinks is greatly appreciated but the show tickets are so inexpensive ( $25 and 35) that we would have no problem paying $5 or more for a drink.
Showroom is warm, purchase a fan that at least gets the air flow moving.
Don't take a 20 minute intermission, leave it at 10 minutes.
Keep the entry door activity during the show to a minimum. Too many friends or family coming and going throughout the show and it's distracting if you are sitting next to the door.
Best show ever, we will spread the word and be back to see you soon!!
Your biggest fan : )