Really Nice Skilled Therapeutic Massage!
Manin was my masseuse and she did an excellent job at giving a truly therapeutic massage with lots of care. I was feeling pretty sore after 26 miles of hiking the week prior and wanted to get a little recharge in to help my muscles feel better and I was not disappointed at all. She gave good attention to my legs which many masseuses seem to almost completely bypass to focus on the back. So glad she got into the business of legs!
Massage here is $60 per hour and you get a private room with some light, relaxing ambient music. The room seemed clean and comfortable.
The bathroom was clean too!
All in all this is now one of my top two in the phoenix area for a good massage.
Located at the Big Red Asian Spa sign to the right of Los Favoritos Taco Shop and left of Thailicious.
I had given them a five star review until I was leaving the parking lot and saw that I paid $60 plus tip for my massage at the sign in front says $49 special. It would've been nice if someone told me that before.