It's new and confused. Disclaimer (my evening was tainted with my bad mood associated with the fact that I had to drive that evening).
Ok, so Kelly's seems to want to be an Irish pub/bar. It's huge and every room has a different feel. The bar itself is very pubish (nice wood, cool globe lights) however, the patio would be best described as Tuscan (a region not found in Ireland). There's a private party room with couches. Then a secret patio with only three tables. A hidden room with darts. An open area for maybe more private parties. A "lounge" area with chandeliers (definitely not irish chandeliers). The drinks were good. The food looked tasty but small servings and big dollar signs (actually, the dollar signs were in a normal font size. It is the numbers behind them that made me uncomfortable). I got a vegetable sandwich with salmon on it. I intentional called it vegetable with salmon instead of the otherway around. But it was very tasty. Great picnic food! Medium for an irish pub though.
It's a satisfying bar but don't expect it to be what you picture when you hear "Kelly's". I'd return if friends were going but I wouldn't choose it on my own.